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Top 5 great newsletters that I regularly read and utilize

Image with Thank you text

These are some of the Free Newsletters that I enjoy read regularly and get useful insights and get myself thinking about somethings I would not have concentrated on otherwise. Not in any particular order.

I appreciate big time for all their works that goes into these newsletters. They were really useful to me or changed the way I see the world. Keep inspiring and delivering different perceptions and provide much-required information.

  1. DevRel Weekly by Mary Thengvall

    • It brings insightful tweets and articles by DevRel folks.
    • It brings the latest news in the DevRel industry.
    • It has a collection of recent Podcasts, Events, and Job listings.
    • I suggest every DevRel & Community management folks and aspiring folks in these areas should subscribe to this newsletter and you will definitely find it useful.
  2. 3-2-1 Newsletter by James Clear

    • One of the newsletters with minimal words and most wisdom.
    • It presents 3 ideas from James, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question to you, the reader. Now, you know why the name 3-2-1. 😄
    • It makes you go think deep and every sentence would have a pinch from the flavor of his book, Atomic Habits.
    • Give it a try and thank me later.
  3. warikoo Wanderings by Ankur Warikoo

    • I see it as an Indian version of the 3-2-1 Newsletter because of capturing the Indians’ thought process.
    • He sends with his personal touch by giving his personal learnings and what he thinks on the particular week.
    • It also consists of book overviews of the recent book he reads.
    • Finally, the poll he puts in that makes you dwell in deep thoughts is the icing on the cake.
  4. Finshots Markets by Zerodha & Finshots

    • They take up an industry or a company or the Indian government and cover their story with their latest standing.
    • It’s best to get economic and financial coverage into a particular company or industry. But, it’s quite randomly chosen. Sometimes, it follows the trend.
    • It will be interesting if you’re into the stock market or general economics and finance. Good for 5-10 mins weekend read.
  5. The Overflow by StackOverflow and Cassidy Williams

    • Finally, a software newsletter for the Developer audiences.
    • This brings some of the top and famous topics discussed in the StackOverflow forum and from the Internet outside the forum.
    • It also brings the latest articles from the StackOverflow Blog. They are mostly deep technical, I feel.
  6. [Special Mention] The BlackBook by Vijay Anand (The Startup Guy)

    • I have only recently subscribed to it as one of my colleagues reminded me about it. Apart from that, I admire his words on Twitter and LinkedIn.
    • It’s a must-read newsletter for all Entrepreneurs and aspiring Entrepreneurs.

Also, this appreciation post is due to his reminder for all the consumers to be grateful towards the artists that brought you their product/service which will boost their motivation further. I definitely agree and this post is the beginning of the gratitude from me to some of the great newsletter authors who deliver awesomeness right into my inbox.

Show your gratitude to the service providers and product owners that you benefit from. 🙂